Most of us never think to use our gums to gauge our health, but we absolutely should. Our gums have a way of telling us plenty about the state of our body, including when it is time to contact a periodontist.

This makes sense if you consider how much your gums go through each day. From morning to night, they are on the front lines. They are exposed to weather, to food, to drink, to cleaning devices, to utensils and much more. They can also become the victims of problems like progressive gum disease.

The good news is that your gums have a way of letting you know that something is amiss, and when they do, you should always turn to a periodontist in Nashville, TN like the Nashville Periodontal Group. Periodontists are dentists with years of special training, and can help you treat and manage conditions of the gums.

5 Big Gum Disease Signs You Should Never Ignore

What are some of the indicators you need to look for if you are worried about gum disease?

1.      Bloody gums. Gums should not bleed when you brush, eat and drink. Bleeding gums are often one of the first symptoms that causes people to make appointments with periodontists.

2.      Bad breath. Smelly breath is a part of life, and can happen after you eat certain foods or take particular medications. However, chronic halitosis (bad breath) may also be a sign that you have bacteria breeding in your periodontal pockets, creating the perfect atmosphere for gum disease to advance.

3.      Red gums. Normal, healthy gums are a pink color. Red, inflamed gums are unhealthy, even if they do not hurt or feel tender to the touch. Always take this symptom seriously.

4.      Swollen, aching gums. If your gums are at war with bacteria and infections, they will likely start to hurt. Please contact our periodontist in Nashville, TN if this is a familiar sign.

5.      Loose teeth. Never ignore teeth that seem to be close to moving around or even falling out. The loss of a natural tooth can be prevented if gum disease is caught early.

The good news is that you do not have to wait to get on a periodontist’s calendar. Just find the one that makes you feel comfortable, and schedule a visit. You will be glad you did… and so will your gums!