Tooth loss is a reality that periodontists and their patients encounter on a regular basis. Fortunately, you have the ability to reduce the likelihood of losing some or all of your teeth by understanding the top causes of tooth loss.

Below are the three leading reasons that individuals of all ages, but mostly adults who are 35 or older, suffer the loss of a natural tooth:

1. Improper or Irregular Oral Hygiene

Since you were young, you probably heard that brushing and flossing was important, yet some people don’t brush or floss daily, or even weekly. If you fall into this category, you are more likely to see progressive problems like gum disease, decay and eventual tooth loss.

The good news is that you can do something about this right away. Make a plan to start taking care of your teeth at least twice a day. You’ll have better oral health outcomes.

2. Smoking and Using Nicotine Products

Smoking isn’t just bad for your overall health, it’s also bad for the health of your teeth and gums.

Over time, smokers put a great deal of stress on the soft and hard tissues in their mouths. This can turn into irreversible damage that leads to tooth loss. Even if you get dental implants to replace your missing teeth, you’ll still need to address smoking, the source of your dental complications. Most periodontists recommend smoking cessation programs to patients who want to avoid losing more teeth, or harming their dental implants.

3. Not Getting Dental Care

Despite a prevalence of periodontists, many individuals never visit a dental provider. Without these kinds of check-ups and examinations, periodontal disease can rapidly take hold of the mouth and spread. At our office, we routinely help patients manage even the most advanced gum disease with the LANAP® protocol, an effective laser gum surgery treatment.

At our office, our goal is the same as your goal: Prevent missing teeth whenever possible.

Worried about the possibility of tooth loss? If you’re living in or near Nashville, TN, please call our reception office and schedule a consultation with one of our experienced periodontists.