If you are currently suffering from gum disease, you may be experiencing a range of unpleasant symptoms, from bad breath to bleeding or especially sensitive gums. Professionals at the Nashville Periodontal Group are increasingly relying on a method of treatment known as the LANAP® Protocol in their laser dentistry practice, a tool utilized to eradicate diseased gum tissue, while leaving healthy gum tissue completely intact. October is National Hygiene Month, marking a great opportunity to speak with your periodontist about treating periodontal disease in Nashville, TN, using the LANAP® Protocol. While it is an exceedingly effective treatment for gum disease, it may also assist in eliminating harmful bacteria and inflammation that may lead to or worsen the following conditions:


Patients who suffer from diabetes are at increased risk for developing gum disease. It is more crucial for those who are diabetic, to visit a periodontist regularly, assessing increased risks for periodontal disease which may raise blood sugar to dangerous levels, leading to a range of related diabetic complications.

Heart Disease

Studies indicate that the inflammation often caused by periodontal disease is linked with the development or worsening of heart disease, as well as other similar health complications. The presence of periodontal disease may increase the risk of elevating existing heart problems. The LANAP® Protocol assists in eliminating the inflammation that may lead to or exacerbate these existing heart problems, quickly and effectively.

Other Health Conditions 

In addition to signaling a connection between gum disease, diabetes, or heart disease, scientific research has also suggested that gum disease may increase the risk of a stroke, respiratory disease, osteoporosis, and cancer, among other conditions. The LANAP® Protocol dramatically reduces the risk of developing gum disease, thereby also reducing the chances of developing related health concerns and complications.

If you would like to learn more about the LANAP® Protocol and how gum disease can affect your overall health, contact the Nashville Periodontal Group today by calling (615) 800-3686.