If you have contracted a periodontal gum disease, it is quite possible that you are going to need to have laser gum surgery in Brentwood, TN, performed in order to totally eliminate the problem. It is important to note that once you receive the news that surgery is the necessary course of action, there are likely going to be two basic options available to you: traditional and laser. Understanding the differences between the two is crucial in making the correct decision for your health.

Knife Versus Laser

 The primary difference between traditional and laser-based gum surgeries is that the traditional route involves the use of a scalpel to open up the problematic area and remove the infected tissue, while the laser is a less invasive method of doing the job. In addition, there are a few other categories in which the two procedures differ.

Pocket Depth: Gum surgeries done in the traditional method require that the pocket depth be lowered by reducing the gum line. The result is an overall line reduction anywhere from two to fifteen millimeters. Teeth root systems can then be subjected to major pain as they are exposed to extreme temperatures. Lasers are less invasive, only removing damaged tissue.

·         Pain: The traditional method can be painful and potentially require gum tissue to be cut as well as the use of sutures. Often, pain medication is recommended for the ensuing weeks or months. Laser procedures tend to cause less distress and often do not require drugs after completion, meaning that patients can get back to normal faster.

·         Length of Recovery: Where traditional surgeries cut the diseased tissue out entirely to eliminate the problem, lasers instead kill germs in the area, reducing swelling and retaining healthy tissue.

·         Long-term Results: Laser surgery tends to be the more predictable method regarding cell attachment and bone regeneration, as it promotes regrowth after the procedure is completed.

Call Now

Get your surgical procedure for gum disease at the office of Dr. Bill Akin by calling us today at (615) 457-8293 to arrange an appointment.