National Kissing Day is June 19th. You might be all ready to pucker up with a loved one, but that kissing might not be so readily reciprocated if you are suffering from halitosis. Sometimes bad breath is simply a result of eating something such as garlic, but other times, it is a symptom of gum disease.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

 People might tell you if you have bad breath, which is a main symptom of periodontal disease. While this is an inconvenience when it comes to kissing, there are other symptoms that may not make you in the mood to do some smooching. Additional symptoms include:


  •          Tender, sensitive gum tissue
  •          Teeth feeling loose
  •          Receding gum line
  •          Bright red color in gums
  •          Bleeding and swelling


Even a single symptom is a good enough reason to schedule an appointment with your periodontist to see how severe the issue is. Once you get a proper diagnosis, a professional will be able to recommend the best treatment.

Laser Gum Surgery

 Before receiving laser gum surgery in Brentwood, TN for treatment, you will first be given an anesthetic. This ensures your comfort for the duration of the procedure. The laser is able to pinpoint the location of disease-causing bacteria. This laser can also be used to soften calculus developing around teeth, which can then be removed using an ultrasonic scaler. In order to regenerate some of the gum tissue, a second pass of the laser is done. At the end of the treatment, your gums should be good and healthy once again, making you confident the next time you want to kiss somebody.

Contact Our Periodontal Office

 Do not spend National Kissing Day fretting over the scent of your breath. Instead, get peace of mind by visiting the office of Dr. Akin. For any questions or to schedule an appointment, give us a call at 615-457-8293.